Preparing for retirement can seem far away and daunting, but it’s never too early to begin planning for retirement. LASERS has resources and tools to help keep you informed and confident.

Ask Yourself:

  • Do I know which LASERS retirement plan I’m in?
  • Do I contribute to the Louisiana Deferred Compensation Plan?
  • Do I know how my unused annual and sick leave can benefit my retirement?
  • Do I know how a LASERS benefit is calculated?

Members Investing for Tomorrow (MINT) is designed to answer these questions, educate early-career LASERS members on the basics of our System and ways to supplement your future LASERS benefit, and guide you toward a secure financial future.

Imagine Your Future Self

How do you picture your life at age 40? Age 50? When you are retired? What are you doing now to prepare for a financially secure retirement?

Travel with Jenny as she meets her future self and answers these questions.

Watch Your Future Self | View Video Library


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    Create a myLASERS Account

    myLASERS gives members the power to monitor their accounts and accomplish many tasks in a paperless capacity.

    Learn how to create a myLASERS account and sign up today! 

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    Enroll in the Deferred Compensation Plan

    Administered by Empower, the Louisiana Public Employees Deferred Compensation Plan (457 Plan) allows you to supplement your future LASERS retirement by saving and investing pretax dollars through a voluntary salary contribution. It’s important to enroll early in your career!

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    Attend an Early-Career Seminar

    The Early-Career seminar introduces members to LASERS and the defined benefit retirement plan. This seminar is for LASERS members hired on or after January 1, 2011, but not within five years of retirement eligibility. We encourage registration for all new hires who meet the above requirements, especially those with no previous LASERS service.

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    View Our Video Library

    Our member education videos below are designed to help you better understand your retirement options, things to consider before retirement, how to use myLASERS, and more.