• Ready to Retire? Here’s What You Should Know

Retirement is NOT an overnight process.

The preparations leading up to retirement involve teamwork. That team includes you, your agency, and LASERS. An important element in the retirement process is time, so planning is critical. Optimally, you should start the process 12 – 18 months away from your target retirement date.



12-18 Months Away from Retirement:

6 Months Away from Retirement:

File a retirement application with your Human Resources office. You will also need:

  • A copy of your birth certificate
  • A copy of your Social Security card
  • A copy of the birth certificate of your beneficiary
  • A copy of the Social Security card of your beneficiary
  • A copy of marriage license, if Option 4A is selected
  • A Judgment of Divorce, if applicable
  • A copy of death certificate of spouse, if applicable

These documents may be submitted at any time during your career. They will be held in your file at LASERS until you are ready to retire.

Please Note

Any forms requiring agency certification are not available directly to members. You must contact your Human Resources representative for assistance in completing these forms.

OGB Insurance Coverage

LASERS retirement eligibility rules DIFFER from the Office of Group Benefits (OGB) retiree eligibility for insurance coverage. Please review information about OGB’s coverage for retirees on their website.

If there is a break in service between your date of termination and your effective date of retirement, you will be considered out of state service and your monthly benefit may be reduced and your eligibility to receive credit for leave balances may be impacted. Retiring out of state service may also impact your coverage eligibility with the Office of Group Benefits (OGB). LASERS recommends members contact OGB Customer Service at 1.800.272.8451 with any questions.

What to Expect as an Applicant for Retirement

  • LASERS will issue a notification to you when your application is received.
  • A delay in submission of retirement documents will delay your retirement benefit.
  • Your first retirement check should be issued within 45 days of the effective date of your retirement, provided all required documentation has been received.
  • Your first retirement check will be mailed to your home address. Future checks should be directly deposited to your financial institution.
  • If you selected an IBO, 80% of the IBO amount will be transferred to Empower shortly after the effective date of your retirement, provided all required documents are received, and the balance will be transferred once your retirement has been finalized; approximately 3 months after your retirement date.
  • You must pay your insurance premiums directly through your Human Resource office until deductions from your retirement check are activated (generally 2-4 months).



These videos provide important information that you may want to consider throughout your retirement planning:

  • PREP Seminar Recording
  • DROP vs. IBO: Is either option right for me?
  • Annual & Sick Leave: How it Affects Your Retirement
  • Social Security Offsets
  • Purchases of Service Credit
  • What is Your Retirement Plan & Retirement Eligibility?