Annual Reports
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
This document is a detailed financial overview of LASERS. This award winning report is prepared by our Fiscal, Investments, and Public Information Divisions. It consists of LASERS management representations concerning the System’s finances as reviewed by external auditors, as well as information on annual progress made by individual divisions.
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Previous Years
Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)
This is a condensed version of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. It includes a summary of financial statements, an actuarial summary, and a snapshot of our membership and benefits paid. The PAFR also contains a summary of recently approved legislation that affects LASERS and its members.
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Previous Years
LASERS Benefits Louisiana
This report illustrates the economic impact of our investments on the state and the ripple effect of pensions throughout local economies.
2023 Investment Report
We are pleased to present the twenty-first Annual Investment Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023. This report provides market and investment performance data by asset class.
2023 Annual Investment Report (PDF, 9 MB)
2024 Actuarial Valuation
This report presents the results of the actuarial valuation of assets and liabilities, as well as funding requirements, for LASERS as of June 30, 2024. It was prepared in accordance with generally accepted actuarial principles and practices and reflects the actuarial present value of accrued benefits of the System. This valuation was adopted by the LASERS Board of Trustees in September and awaits approval by the Public Retirement Systems’ Actuarial Committee (PRSAC).
LASERS 2024 Valuation
Valuation Summary Sheet
Previous Years
Actuarial Experience Study
The Actuarial Experience Study for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2023 compares the demographic and economic assumptions used during that time period to the actual experience. Recommendations for adjustments are made as appropriate for discrepancies.
Actuarial Experience Study 2018 – 2023
Actuarial Experience Study 2013-2018